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Arihant Fast Track Ankganit

Arihant Fast Track Ankganit

₹495.00 ₹300.00 / Unit

Best Books for Clearing Banking and Insurance Exams in India

Out of all candidates appearing for competitive exams, every one-third candidate strives to attempt banking exams held under various bank recruitment commissions such as IBPS, SBI, RBI etc. Through these exams, the candidates are selected for the positions for Clerk, PO, SO, Assistant, Grade A, Grade B and others in some of the top and prestigious banks in the banking sector. If you are a candidate aspiring to clear and qualify a banking exam, for that you require meticulous preparation, plenty of self-discipline and a good set of banking exam books. How to select the best books for banking exams? Nearly all the banking exams test the candidates for topics like Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning Ability, Problem Solving and English language skills. Each correct question carries a +1 mark and each incorrect question carries a negative 0.25 mark. Disha’s Banking books have been one of the most helpful books among banking aspirants and are considered one of the best banking books since many years. From speed tests to practice sets, from success blueprints to topic-wise data interpretation, Disha’s entire range of study material has been crafted by top-of-the-line subject matter experts and a team of genius academic professionals.